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Junior course in animal welfare
  • Junior course in animal welfare

    We offer FREE course to all children and young people!



    ICofA Junior wants to offer the youngest access to information through a short little course we hope inspires them to learn more about the animals we live with.


    It is incredibly important to teach the little ones that animals also have emotions! In their interaction with the animal, the children learn self-tolerance and self-control.


    What is ICofA Junior

    ICofA Junior was started on the initiative of Rigmor Olsen, 9 years old. She wanted to gather children to work with and shear knowledge about animals and animal welfare. Rigmor has a mother who is an ethologist and a father who has worked as a police dog handler. With young creativity and the knowledge she has grown up with, she has already got ICofA Junior to gather many children to develop a concept that works for both children and animals. This concept is constantly evolving and gives children a place where they can contribute to the conversation and learn early important knowledge about the animals we live with and which is also an important part of society today and in the future.


    Do your child want to join our the FREE community? Click here


    ICofA wants to inform the youngest in society about good animal welfare and the animals’ therapeutic functions. We want to focus on a healthy and important relationship between animals and humans as early as possible. It is actually a goal in the curriculum that students in Norway after 4th grade should be able to talk about what good animal welfare is. Therefore, ICofA wants to offer the youngest access to information through a short little course we hope inspires them to learn more about the animals we live with.


    Everyone who takes the course in animal welfare receives  a diploma.

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