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International AAS network

We have built a large network of certified teams and clients within the healthcare sector and the education system. The network also includes professionals from various fields and several established institutions in the field of animal-assisted services (AAS).


We engage in international collaborations with several prominent organizations, such as IAHAIO, DAI Academy, Family Dog Project, and the Department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University.


The goal is to establish a standardized requirement for education and certification of AAS teams internationally.


This is to ensure animal welfare, the quality of services and the reputation of animal assisted services.

AAI community


Meet others in AAS

Get to know others who work with their animals to help others. Learn from each other, share experiences, seek advice, stay updated on new research, and explore ways to further develop yourself.


Would you like to learn more about what animal-assisted services are? Ask questions or simply follow the forum to stay informed.

ICofA camp poland

Group photo from one of our training camps. Many nationalities attended

​  FORUM  


Open to all.


Herepeople ask questions, share experiences, simply follow along and learn, get to know others, and create a network. You don't need any prior experience in working with your animal. The forum is intended as a resource for everyone, regardless of their level of experience.


Our desire is for our community to be a useful tool.


Our experience has shown that those who work in the field with their animals are incredibly skilled at sharing their knowledge and supporting each other.

ICofA project Sardinia

Photo from one of our projects in Sardinia, Italy.

A big community


Our community consists of our certified teams, organizations in AAI, universities, researchers, and other academics.


By collaborating with the right expertise, people, and organisations we hope to improve the quality of AAI and create an international standard of minimum requirements for education and screening tests of animals.


Working with animals in close proximity to people should not be taken lightly, as animals and people can suffer as a consequence.


We also have a FORUM and GROUPS where people can meet and exchange ideas.

NMBU logo
DAI academy logo
Family dog project logo
Department of ethology
Foreningen Norske Etologer
Do as i do logo
Dyrebar Omsorg Logo
PADA icofa logo
Zwierzeta logo
NKK logo

Easier to connect when on mobile

Our free app is recommended for a better experience when using our community on your phone. Spaces by wix hosts the app

App screen

Use invite code: 0ERXMA 

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